Building Up
Our aim is to build small relational groups who will be the 'Body of Christ' here. The core group of people who form the Bible study group are Junko, Yoko, Hiroko, Shizeko, and Yukari. Our group is truly a friendship group and the activities extend beyond the Bible study sessions. Cooking and recipe sharing sessions (Max bows out of these) reflect the high priority the Japanese put on preparing good food. Kuniko, another friend, moved to Sapporo and so a party was thrown for her. We sometimes go out together for a "Ramen" meal, etc. and so we aim to make a friend, be a friend and bring that friend to Jesus. Building relationships and building bridges.
Picking Up
These social events are how we meet and relate to others besides the core group. Inevitably the conversation turns to things of God and so we pick up new people. Masaru asked us for a separate teaching session so he could catch up with the others. We spent three hours with him, taking him through the Bible basics and pointing him to his need for a Redeemer. A lady named Noriko was at Kuniko's party and will join us in next weeks Bible study.
Warming Up
As we write this the snow continues to fall but Praise the Lord it has stopped snowing every day. The iron grip of winter seems to be loosening, the shower taps are no longer frozen in the morning and we have had a break from the daily snow clearing. Although the town doesn't go into hibernation, during this time there is a definite slow down of activity. We have felt the effect of this as we struggle to get the Outreach Center project up and running. Along with the warming weather we are now starting to get the feel that things are beginning to move in this and other areas too.
Opening Up
The vacant shop we had identified as the site for the Outreach Center is no longer available. In a town that has no Real Estate agents we use uncleared snow to spot empty properties but then comes the problem of how to contact the owner. The places we have viewed to date have been far too dilapidated. The Lord's place will be a place of excellence. We will be looking at some more places this week. With the change in the weather we are feeling that a breakthrough is near so please keep it in your prayers.
Gathering Up
We now have several individuals/home groups who will be gathering up the jeans etc. for the Outreach Center. We are really encouraged by this support and for the timing. The Lord's timing is perfect as anything previous to this it would have been to early. This support is from both the USA and the UK. All united by a common desire to see the local people in Iwanai saved.
Linking Up
We set up a meeting of the Japanese Christian Church pastor, the American Lutheran and ourselves to help get to know each other, agree a common purpose and to pray for each other. They had not previously met each other. We have now agreed to meet every 5 or 6 weeks. It is a start.
Praying Up
So please pray for these and any other issues as the Lord leads you to regarding the work here in Iwanai. Thank you again for your love and support. We are all one team bringing the Good News to the people here and all the glory is the Lord's. Alleluiah!