

UCLA留学中のDJ Jerry9月30日のオンエア(ザ・ネット)で、ホストファミリーのご主人がご婦人に捧げた自作自演の歌が紹介されているが、なかなかよい。私たち的には主との関係と言うか、雅歌の世界と言うか。Jerry氏はなかなかよいものをピックアップされる。しかしアメリカ人はこういったことを何気にしてしまうわけで、以心伝心の日本人とはエラク違うなあ(笑)

Commented by DJ Jerry Eメール 2006年10月05日(木)16:40

Dear Dr Luke
I'm grateful for your listening to my programs every week. Also, I'm very glad to hear you say that I have good taste in choosing the subjects.In my next program, you can hear the voices fromo hear you say that I have good taste in choosing the subjects.In my next program, you can hear the voices from Hollywood.Some people are extremely artistic and some people are just weird.That's what Hollywood is.

By the way,Dr Luke, I really like this blog of yours, because it is super informative and journalistic. You are knowledgeable in vast fields and your intelligence is as high as that of Mr Takashi Tachibana or yours might be higher. As a journalist in the making, I think it is a whole lot better to read this blog than to read bullshit newspapers or magazines.

Thanks to God, my life in LA unexpectedly works out well for me. Thank you, Dr Luke. God bless you.

Commented by Luke 2006年10月05日(木)22:28

Hi, DJ Jerry

Nice to hear from you. I sense your having been enjoying LA life through your broad cast:-) I'm expecting coming programs.
