

アップロードファイル 28KBわが10年以上の同僚にして友人のJerry氏がインターネットラジオ局LA支局を開設しました。この夏、なんと40を超えてLAはUCLAのジャーナリスト・コースに留学を果たした人です。元西武ライオンズ専属の通訳という経歴も持ちます。LAには私の他の友人もおり、何度も行っていますが、UCLAあたりはサンタモニカ桟橋とかもあってとても快適な場所です。留学の成功を祈っています^^

Commented by DJ Jerry 2006年08月26日(土)15:44

Dear Mr luke
I was kinda surprised to see your website introduce me.I really appreciate your thoughtfulness and kindness.As you know, I'm very interested in Christianity, though I'm not a Christian.

I arrived in LA on Thursday morning(at the local time) and now it is 11:25pm on the second day of my stay here.I am suffering jet lag just a little bit,and I hope I will be OK tomorrow morning.

I am staying with my wonderful hostfamily consisting of one young couple and their very cute little baby.At first, I was supposed to stay with a 39-year-old single guy who is living alone ,then the schedule was changed so that I would stay with a 63-year-old single lady who is also living alone. On arriving at the LA airport, I made an telephone call to see if she was at home or not and unfortunately(later on, it turned out to be my fortune)she was absent.

I was very hurious about that and soon called the company which took care of my homestay and canceled this stay.Then they found me another family immediately.This is how I've come here,a nice and warm and happy family.They make me feel happy.They make me feel comfortable.I believe that God has sent me to this family.This homestay of mine was written in the stars!!!

What do you think,Mr Luke?

Commented by Luke 2006年08月26日(土)23:42

Hi, DJ Jerry!

Thank you for your quick response. I'm very glad to hear from you and feeling a little bit envy about you:-)

On your question, I am very sure that God has arranged every thing around your situation and time-schedule. Your fate has written in God's mind, that is blessed in Christ. I hope you will know who the REAL GOD IS. He is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The triune God has revealed in Jesus, the God incarnated. I'm praying for you in Jesus Name.

God bless you!

P.S.I've e-mailed Prof.Nishikawa about you. I believe he will welcome you in Christ.


アップロードファイル 19KBユナイテド93。ご存じ9.11テロにおいて乗客たちの抵抗により唯一ターゲットを外れた機。その機内で何が起きていたのか、ドキュメントタッチで描く。










Commented by Luke 2006年08月19日(土)13:30

